I confirm that I acknowledge, understand, and agree with the following: Name * First Name Last Name Email * Clothing * I understand that I am to wear clothing that allows me to move unrestricted. I might want access to layers as body temperature fluctuations are common. Yes Space * For online classes: I will need an internet connection, tablet/phone/laptop with camera and sound. A safe and uninterrupted space will support my work. I understand that a clear space in which I can lie down and work during sessions will be very useful to my aims. I understand that modifications can be made no matter my environment. A yoga mat, zafu/cushion/folded blanket, and/or socks might be helpful, but are not required. Yes Communication and Practice * I understand that new skills are integrated through practice between classes and reflection/digestion I understand that I am invited to ask questions and provide feedback. If I have any questions or require modifications/support I will e-mail contact@vibrancecentre.com. I understand that Vibrance may e-mail me regarding important notifications and announcements. I may need to add contact@vibrancecentre.com to my contacts to ensure I receive e-mails. Yes Safety * I acknowledge that I am responsible for my own physical safety and I am welcome to say No, request a pause, or ask for a modification at any time. I understand that Vibrance classes are inclusive spaces, brave spaces, and Trauma Safe spaces. The first class will include time for a group agreement guiding how we will work together during this course. I release Vibrance and its teachers against all costs incurred, expenses, and all liabilities whatsoever that may arise as a result of my actions during sessions. Yes Intellectual Property * I understand that the handouts, teaching resources, and lesson content remains the intellectual property of Vibrance. They may not be replicated or used in full or part without the express written permission from Vibrance. Yes Recordings * I understand that the information and exercises will be recorded for registrants to access between classes. Check-ins will not be recorded. There will be opportunities to discuss/ask questions and I can request the recording be stopped. Recordings are the intellectual property of Vibrance. Yes I confirm that I have read and agree to the terms above * Yes Thank you!